Sunday, May 11, 2008

Bhoothnath: Movie Review

The Good:
  • The first half. You get to laugh and enjoy the innocent charm of the movie. The characters are lively and the movie seems promising. The Bhoot and kid conjure up fervent energy first up and you are welcomed to the party. Moreover
  • The young kid Aman Siddiqi is promising, too bad he is not given too much of a leeway to break a leg. He is charming, cute and naughty.
  • Juhi Chawla provides ample support to the story, cast and to the plot to some extent.
  • Mr. Amitabh Bacan as Bhootnath. His getup is good and his chemistry with the kid Banku is crackling.
  • Special Effects are really cool.
  • In the initial sequences the art department did a fantastic job creating the eerie look and feel and the horror quotient was just enough to keep you interested. Even the kids would get hooked.
The Bad:
  • The second half was a let down. The movie promised and failed to deliver. The plot meandered into emotional sub terrain when tear-jerking takes over the Universe and unfortunately Mr. FunPrank failed to save the Universe.
  • Mr. Amitabh Bachan as Mr. Nath. I think it was the misplaced subplot that was responsible and even Mr. B could not revive it.
  • Vishal Shekhar have two catchy tunes which might last a little while and the rest is again average.
  • The screenplay which starts like a would-up toy motor car which races ahead, slows down and grinds to a halt.
The Ugly:
  • The sub-plot responsible for Mr. B being a Bhoot. How I wish it would have been different.
Watch it for the first half, the second half if you have patience

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